E-Fourex is an E-commerce platform with artificial intelligence, native in the cloud, with microservices architecture, headless, paid per use, with your brand and your own domain. It is totally personalized.
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Payment Managment
- Management of payment method options: card payment, store payment, etc
- Integration to any payment platform
Distribution Managment
- The distribution cost is calculated based on the distance between the distribution center and the place indicated by the client for delivery, the weight of the merchandise to be distributed and whether or not it requires unloading of the material at destination. They can register all their branches and distribution centers.
- Satisfaction survey.
- Order qualification form.
- Viewing your ratings by store.
- Display by the franchise manager of the ratings of all in a country.
- Percentage of delivery compliance by store and by area.
- Users by province, city, sector.
- Number of emails sent.
- Products visited by date.
- Viewing claims reports by franchise or group of franchises.
- User Creation: Customers can create their own user for the e-commerce platform with an email to validate the email account and activate it. The platform offers as an alternative to use the Facebook or Google username and password.
- Administrator user for each store: this type of user is created together with the registration of each store and allows each of them to manage their data.
- There is a superuser responsible for the franchise on the platform who will have access to the information and reports of the entire platform. The user is the only one enabled to create a store administrator user and view the platform reports.
- Product order manager for end users. The order manager manages draft orders so that the user can leave the order incomplete to complete at a later time and complete the payment.
- Inbox manager of orders to be delivered for each store.
- Mobile push notification platform (notifications that do not require having the mobile application open) with support for Android and IOS indicating to store administrator users that they have a new order to deliver.
- Mobile push notification platform (notifications that do not require having the mobile application open) with support for Android and IOS indicating to the user's mobile phone that their order has changed distribution status.
- Notification platform through emails indicating to the customer the change in the status of their order.
- Notification platform via emails indicating to the customer the change in the status of their order.
- Notifications via email to customers who have not completed their order after the passage of a certain time that can be parameterized on the platform by the franchise administrator to complete their order.
- Email template management to send for new user, new order, order status change and abandoned cart reminder.
- Creation of SEO for brands, categories, subcategories, sub-subcategories.
- Specification of keyboard and html per product in the e-commerce admin.
- Creation of friendly, dynamic and modifiable URL from the e-commerce admin.
- Creation of URL for each franchise.
- Administrator of promotional banners for the website and the mobile application for the complete platform and/or for retailers, specifying the start and end time of their display, keywords associated with the banner and searches.

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